Някои психологически особености при даряването и чувствителността към цената
While I also would like to support you, I fell like all articles in your shop are overpriced. That means, I feel bad for buying stuff that I'm not sure I need, while feeling like I have made a really bad deal. Instead we could donate, because donating always causes good feeling and lets you express your greatness towards someone. So, either lower the prices on your items, or consider creating another way to support you.WOLKENSCHWElF
The reason you and others insist on donation is based on the narcissistic upper status Patreon gives you in exchange. It's actually not a donation at all because you're buying something : a noble self-image to sleep better at night. My guess is that The School of Life is fully aware of that and strongly against that sort of easy feel good subscription business model it's based on. No need to say it's not a politically correct answer to give when you wish to grow your audience. If you really mean to fund their campaign, just buy a bunch of pencil sets and have them deliver anonymously to a school or an association in needs... Unfortunately, the anymous part of the act will prevent you to brag about it. Am I wrong ?Eugenio Renaldo Коментарите са към това видео.
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